Pi Kappa Phi welcomes its new executive council that takes over for the Spring 2024.
On Dec. 3, chapter alumnus Michael Schmierer, senior consultant at Resultant out of Indianapolis, led the group in developing core values and goal setting.
Attending the new member training were members of the outgoing exec board led by archon Justin Bonanno. Also in attendance was new faculty advisor Rabern Simmons, curator of fungi at Purdue and an alumnus of Pi Kappa Phi’s Epsilon Epsilon chapter (University of Virginia at Wise) and longtime chapter advisor Pat Kuhnle.
The new exec group includes:
Archon (aka President): Krishna Vadlamani, Princeton, New Jersey, Sophomore studying Economics
Vice Archon: Ross Peter, Jasper, Indiana, Junior studying Industrial Engineering
Treasurer: Ryan Lampe, Centerville, Ohio, Sophomore studying Finance &
Business Analytics and Information Management
Secretary: Luca Hansen, Brighton Michigan, Sophomore studying Industrial Engineering
Warden: Bryce Rayner, Greenwood, Indiana, Junior studying Computer Engineering
Historian: Henry Gebke, Indianapolis, Indiana, Sophomore studying
Industrial Engineering
Chaplain: Greg Gottlieb, Carmel, Indiana, Sophomore studying Computer
Science & Data Science
Risk Manager: Adam Smith, Ballwin, Missouri, Sophomore studying Business
Analytics and Information Management
Ability Experience Chairman: Joe Barbera, Westfield, Indiana, Sophomore
studying Finance
Rush Chairs: Elijah Marcov, Indianapolis, Indiana, Junior studying Finance
Adam Elsolh, The Woodlands, Texas, Sophomore studying Mechanical Engineering