The spring 2025 rush chairmen are Lucas Timm, 812/639-2322, [email protected] & Ben Brown, 734/660-5555, [email protected].

What follows is some information about the chapter:
Pi Kappa Phi prides itself in being the best chapter. In fact, in was given the 2023 RB Stewart Award in April 2024 as the top fraternity at Purdue. It was the 11th such recognition in the last 15, an unprecedented achievement. In 2019, the chapter was given the North America Interfraternity Conference’s Award of Distinction. Pi Kappa Phi was one of five fraternities nationally recognized as the top chapters in the United States (out of more than 6,000 chapters nationwide).
The chapter stands on three principles – academics, leadership and service – and seeks potential members who have achieved in those areas previously or strive to be among the best now. So, if you have been a valedictorian, a national Merit finalist or semifinalist, graduated from high school with honors, athletic team captain, elected to a leadership role such as class president or on the student council, been part of a community service project or especially worked with people with disabilities, talk to us.
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