The final count for the Oct. 29 Omega Centennial stands at 353 brothers, guests, parents and undergraduates.
The online deadline for registration and polo shirt orders have now passed. Registration is now closed, so if anyone else needs to register, they will need to call the Purdue for Life special events line and pay over the phone (765-494-0900).
Questions? Contact us at:
You may still visit the house for a noon boxed lunch ($25/person) and fellowship. Initiated members who have not registered may also attend the model ritual of initiation at 2 p.m., Oct. 29 in Stewart Center.
We are also still accepting biographical information to be included in the Centennial directory (deadline for that is Oct. 18) sent to the email address listed above. That information should include: Your initiation number (if known), name, spouse name, children’s names and ages, Purdue degree (year, major) and a brief history since you graduated (including titles of jobs held + employers’ names).
Those alumni who have paid for registration include:
448 Kelley & Pat Carr
540 Bill Hounshell
572 Bill & Kay Hokanson
597 Jerry Herod
604 Anthony Terlep
605 Patrick & Karen McDowell
613 Donald Katter
622 David Everts
632 James & Lena O’Reilly
633 Dr. David Martin
643 Robert Griffiths
651 Robert & Jana Rudisill
661 James Griffiths
712 William Griffiths
724 Mike & Sharon Ohaver
740 John & JoAnne McDonald
762 Thomas LeFevre
769 Jay & Ginny Hackleman
794 Preston McDaniel
814 Dennis Dayton
816 James Karagianis
817 Jerry Lukach
822 Nick Anjanos
835 David & Mary Beth Lane
839 Dave & Patty Buck
857 Mark & Kathleen Wilson
863 Rikard Hill
864 Greg & Nancy Klein
869 Bernard & Jackie Graser
890 David Brown & Linda Kaiser
893 Steven & Carol Robertson
891 Dann & Nancy Schlegel
896 Gary Schaeff & Kristin Hoyt
900 Dick & Evelyn O’Donnell
906 Fred Schwartz
908 John & Maureen Harangody
910 Randall Braun
919 Richard & Mary Price
920 Stephen Gillan
937 Chuck & Karla Dulic
941 Rick & Patricia Bohner
943 Michael Harding
944 Theodore Hunt
948 Mark & Joan DeFabis
951 Greg & Madeleine Linder
954 Kim & Brenda Hasler
975 Jeff Gates & Julie Hansen
1107 Brian McMahon
1096 John Kenefick
1017 Bruce & Linda Halley
1072 John & Jennifer Bloom
1073 John Verduce
1077 Steve Bohner
1078 Jeff Cubel
1090 Jeff Egilsrud
1097 Drew Biehler
1115 Sid Graham
1119 Rick Bonar
1122 Jeff Kasko
1125 Michael Chereskin
1139 Marc Zubeck
1149 Scott Gamble
1153 Jim Bebbington
1154 Kurt Takara
1156 Jamie Snelson
1158 Herb Treen
1160 Robert & Rebecca Finnerty
1164 Dan Witherspoon
1165 Jim Bereda
1168 Matt Stuve
1170 Don Brown
1171 Jamie Hecker
1179 Carl Gerlach
1180 Donald Porth
1181 John Hess
1184 Scott Beatty
1185 Jeff Benesh
1187 Jeff Vogt
1191 Steve Noth
1196 Brandt & Lisa Hershman
1197 Pat Kuhnle
1198 Joe Bement
1199 Mark Peters
1200 Tim & Sherry Ochs
1205 David Maier
1206 Ken & Mary Beth Johnson
1207 Austin Cowan
1208 Manish Gandhi
1210 Rich & Angie Prestholt
1213 James Briggs
1216 Eric & Christy Scheid
1221 Chris & Melissa Carrier
1233 Rodney & Andrea Morrow
1234 Mattio Watson
1254 Tom Wallbank
1256 Mark Brennan & Jackie Bradley
1262 Mark & Christina Nigh
1268 Bryan Williams
1284 William and Debra Dibbern
1301 Carson Woods
1367 Matt & Kim Bouma
1370 Kurt Schulenberg & guest
1390 Jeff & Jennifer Lampe
1394 Kevin & Laurie Hofer
1397 Brian Stout
1404 Jim Thompson
1405 Jim Taller
1407 Jason & Jackson Snodgress
1418 Darron Damasius
1419 Craig & April Bohbrink
1423 John Reidelbach
1434 Andy Schwaderer
1436 Tom Bentley
1438 Kevin, Kristen, Liam & Garrett Ohaver and Michelle Miller
1441 Ryan Rossiter
1442 Damon & Melinda Emgenbroich
1443 Dustin Zufall
1444 Steve Templeton
1446 Brian Quandt
1450 Andrew Parker
1454 Brent Grunig
1488 Brent Wunderlich
1499 Daniel Rusnak
1501 Mark Kapoor
1503 Ramey Miller
1506 Phillip & Rebecca Leslie
1511 Thomas Kodiak
1517 Brad Eckerle
1527 Dan Reed
1528 David Hacker
1573 Josh & Niki Peter
1578 Jared & Molly Winn
1583 Matt and Jainie Clark
1598 Phil Jones
1611 Jason Cooper
1619 Tom & Jenelle Harzula
1623 Jon Dora
1634 Zach & Brooke Isbell
1659 Brian & Sally Heiwig
1666 Steve & Sabrina Holtsclaw
1678 Joe Smith
1682 Joe Henseler
1686 Dustin Groff
1761 Nick Prichodko
1833 Michael Schmierer
1858 Andrew Lemna
1868 Matt McKee
1882 Brenden Hulett
1892 Daniel & Laura Heinekamp
1933 Drew Rudman
1934 Henry Papineau
1945 Tyler Prestholt
1948 Ambrose Haas
1949 Reece Kenney & Victoria Mullen
1856 Nolan Xahn
1958 Brandon Tran
1973 Thomas Pechin
1975 Doug Kaskie
1978 Nate Grabner
1986 Nick Hnatusko
2183 Jack Wagner
K-State Initiate, Chris & Darlene Chatfield
Other Guests
Rita Baker
Pris Gerde
Chris & Katrina Molina
Sarah Jacobs, guest of Manish Gandhi
Jessica Smith
Mary McFarlane
Alpha Eta (Samford) James Smith, national president
Epsilon Omicron (Villanova) Joe Brady, national vice president
Upsilon (Illinois) Wally Wahlfeldt, national treasurer
Zeta Epsilon (George Mason) Alan Duesterhaus, national secretary
Eta Rho (Texas State) Andrae Turner, national historian
Alpha Eta (Samford) Dwayne Todd, national chaplain
Alpha Alpha (Mercer) Ben Bush, national chancellor
Beta Epsilon (Missouri) Jacob Beavers, undergraduate at Missouri
Beta Theta (Arizona) Jake Henderson, national chief executive officer
Theta Lambda (Missouri State) Curt Herzog, chief growth officer Pi Kappa Phi headquarters
Sigma (South Carolina) Joel Borellis, The Ability Experience board of directors
Beta Alpha 331 (NJIT) Tom Hertis (guest of Stephen Gillan)
Eta Beta (Indiana State) Evan Austin, Ability Experience staff
Undergraduate parents
Rex & Susan Weisheit
PJ & Jill Peter
Michael & Sarah Waters
Bill & Maria Gottlieb
Undergraduates (as of 10/10/22)
2219 Carson Shireman
2140 Jack Yeakey
2155 Trevor Perry
2160 James McBride
2163 Calvin Whetstone
2164 Chris Augustinovicz
2165 Leo Dunbar
2169 Logan McGrath
2171 Vince Giglio
2177 Jack Lawrence
2271 Cenzo Lembo
2174 Alex Wu
2176 Michael Graham
2179 John Nigh
2181 Hunter Graybill
2186 Luke Johnson
2188 Matthew Keogh
2189 Charles Waters
2190 Rohit Naidu
2193 Aidan Jones
2197 Kyle Smith
2201 Sonny Ferrantella
2202 Sam Phillips
2203 Samuel Bernicke
2204 Ben Fern
2207 Andrew Eichmeier
2224 Nathan Impellizzeri
2208 Adam Spensley
2210 Ted Brandon
2212 Josh Ciesar
2213 Logan Williams
2215 Nick Connors
2216 Sam Bogner
2217 Andrew Davis
2223 Akash Devamadhavan
2225 Jacob Halfhill
2226 Will Vanderwarker
2227 Tyler Wagner
2229 Justin Segrest
2231 Mike McCollum
2232 Paul Song
2235 Sam Maldia
2236 Quintin Gordon
2237 Arty Avetissian
2238 Alex Younkers
2239 Michael Filarski
2241 Ryan Sheridan
2247 Sam Dunlap
2242 Owen Bots
2248 Grant Gottlieb
2249 Joey Thatcher
2250 Aaron Feikes
2251 Wesley Bodwell
2252 Justin Bonanno
2253 Jake Shepherd
2254 Nick Jakalski
2255 Cameron Weisheit
2256 Ethan Thornburg
2257 Connor Willis
2240 Bobby Dalton
2246 Turner Johnson
2258 Andrew Helliwell
2261 Eliya Taleb
2263 Bryce Rayner
2264 Andrew Donis
2265 Josh Ringler
2267 Sam Gwodz
2268 Justin Ohh
2269 Joey Haimari
2270 Ross Peter
2170 Garrett Oeth
Brady Byvoets
Evan Albrecht
Greg Gottlieb
Jacob Milligan
Krishna Vadlamani
Mason Carroll
Stephanos Maramaldi
Ted Waugh
Timothy Steele
Zane Barnett
Ryan Lampe
Elijah Marcov
Nick Reid
Tanner Corns
Yash Patel
Jake Veldman
Luca Hansen
Ben Sitzman
Lawrence Coan
Brandon Walker
Carson Harrison
Nate Baacke
Adam Smith
Nathan Guzek
Adam Elsolh
Henry Gebke