Representatives from the 11 sororities competing in the 2023 War of Roses crown gathered on Feb. 13 for a games night on the Purdue campus.
During the week-long War of Roses competition members of the various Greek organizations compete for the Rose of Pi Kappa Phi Queen. Points are awarded from multiple categories of events including attendance at the Feb. 13 games night with a special needs client from the Arc of Tippecanoe.
Other events include a dodgeball tournament, contestant fund-raising, sorority sheet signs, trivia and t-shirt & ticket sales.
Competition will come to a close on Friday, Feb. 17 during a Talent Show in Fowler Hall in Stewart Center.
Pi Kappa Phi would like to thank the participating organizations, including: Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Phi, Delta, Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Delta Zeta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Phi Sigma Rho, Phi Beta Phi, Sigma Kappa and Zeta Tau Alpha.
See you on Wednesday, Feb. 15 for trivia night competition.
Thank you for assisting people with disabilities alongside The Ability Experience. You can support the effort at:
Questions about this year’s War of Roses? Contact chapter Ability Experience Chairman Grant Gottlieb,, 317/989-7797